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Red Tag – What Does It Mean, and Why Is It Important?


Red Tag – What Does It Mean, and Why Is It Important?


During a regularly scheduled inspection, if your HVAC technician finds your gas fired appliance not operating properly or finds a gas code infraction, he may affix a Red Tag to the appliance. If you have never experienced this, it may confuse you. Why would they place this on your boiler? What does it mean? How does it come off? Who is responsible for removing it? Your preferred heating and cooling contractor can answer your questions and guide you to your next steps. The main thing to remember is that if they affix a Red Tag to your appliance, there is a safety concern that needs to be remedied.

Understanding the Significance of a Red Tag on Your Gas Appliance

A Red Tag can be concerning as it indicates something is wrong. Here is a basic understanding of what a Red Tag means, why it is generated, and how it is remedied: 

What is a Red Tag?

It is a literal tag that is red and is tied/applied to a gas fired appliance that requires further service or repairs. A technician may affix a Red Tag on a gas-fired appliance during a preventative or required inspection. A gas-fired appliance includes boilers, make-up air units, gas-fired rooftop units, and furnaces. 

What does it mean to receive a Red Tag?

This tag is a warning that the inspected equipment is unsafe to operate or corrections to the system are required. Upon issue, the gas utility company will be notified. The gas (fuel) to the property will be turned off until the issue is resolved. Depending on the type of tagging, gas may be turned off immediately or within 45 days. 

Who can affix a Red Tag?

A few professionals are certified and may place a Red Tag on your appliance. 

  • The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is one governing authority that requires tagging if a licensed technician deems the equipment operation hazardous.
  • The gas utility company that supplies gas to the location.
  • The HVAC contractor technician who holds a G1 or G2 gas technician certificate that determines the appliance is a clear danger to the safety of those within the building. 

Types of Red Tags you can receive?

There are two main types of Red Tags – Type A and Type B.

  • Type A – The appliance or the piping to the appliance is deemed unsafe and poses an immediate hazard. The appliance is turned off, and the pipe is capped, or the meter is shut off. The reasons for this will be marked on the tag.
  • Type B – The appliance or piping has been found in an unacceptable condition and corrections or repairs are required to the system, but it does not pose and immediate hazard. The corrections must be addressed within 35 days, or the gas supply will be disconnected, capped, or the meter shut off by the gas utility company.

How to get the Red Tag removed?

A certified gas technician must correct the required repairs. They must deem the unit safe to resume use and will inform the gas utility company that the Red Tag has been cleared. 

Prevent Red Tags – Choose Regular Inspections from a Reliable HVAC Company 

At TRI-AIR Systems, we have an excellent team of knowledgeable technicians who understand the importance of keeping your commercial HVAC systems in tip-top shape. We will inspect all your fixtures, address issues as required, and handle Red Tag incidents. We also offer a free, no-obligation proactive maintenance proposal. Look to us for all your routine, corrective, and emergency HVAC needs.

Call us at 905-470-2424 or contact us online for your energy-efficient commercial and industrial heating system installation, service, repair, and Red Tag incident evaluation and remedies.